Special thanks to Crooked Branch who has generously supplied his talents to create the big stick, butterfly, and stick to it awards each year at Camp Frozen Chozen
Special thanks to Crooked Branch who has generously supplied his talents to create the big stick, butterfly, and stick to it awards each year at Camp Frozen Chozen
Helping someone infuse is a vital skill. Those that are able to successfully place an intravenous butterfly needle into a vein and administer medication received the Butterfly Award. tHIS YEAR'S bUTTERFLY aWARD GOES TO...
When you are working on achieving your Big Stick Award and are almost there, Camp Frozen Chozen recognizes you with the Stick To It Award. This year's Stick To It Award goes to...
The premier award given at any camp is the "Big Stick" award presented to a person that successfully "sticks" a needle with medication into themselves. Being able to intravenously self medicate clotting factor is the biggest step in achieving medical independence.
The Camp Frozen Chozen Kyle Braun Outstanding Counselor Award goes to the In-Cabin Counselor that best exemplifies the attributes of what a counselor should be as determined by their peers. A counselor chosen by Counselors.
This is done in honor of Kyle Braun who found inspiration, leadership, and positive role models from Camp Frozen Chozen Counselors.
The 2024 Camp Frozen Chozen Kyle Braun Outstanding Counselor Award goes to...
The cabin leadership takes a moment to honor every camper and their unique and individual contributions they make to camp.