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Often called “The week that lasts a lifetime” because of its profound effect on campers and counselors, Camp Frozen Chozen is a free weeklong camp for children that have completed first grade to 17 years old with opportunities for older participants through the Counselor program. Applicants must live in Alaska, have a diagnosed bleeding disorder (or a direct relationship with someone with a diagnosed bleeding disorder like sibling or parent), and be willing to follow all rules and regulations of camp. Not all applicants are necessarily selected to attend camp.

Camp Frozen Chozen is designed to allow children with special medical needs and their siblings the opportunity to experience camping and a variety of other traditional camp activities. Campers benefit from the educational programming regarding living with a bleeding disorder while having access to Alaska’s top bleeding disorder medical professionals.

Camp Frozen Chozen stresses personal independence and community.

Camp Frozen Chozen is a joint venture between the Alaska Hemophilia Association and the Alaska Bleeding Disorder Clinics and is funded through private donations and industry sponsorships.

A week that lasts a lifetime